What could i start with? This will be my platform to share the projects i´ve done or doing in scope of IoT and homeautomation.
As of today i´m working with:
- Raspberry Pi (12x)
- Zero (1x)
- Zero W (2x)
- 1 Mod B (3x)
- 2 Mod B V1.2 (2x)
- 3 Mod B (2x)
- 4 – 2GB (2x)
- ESP8266/ESP32
- LoLin NodeMCU(3x)
- Wemos D1 (24x)
- Wemos Mini Pro (3x)
- ESP-01 (5x)
- Sonoff Baisc (1x)
- Obi Powersocket (3x)
- Sonoff RF Bridge (1x)
- Ikea TradFree
- ESP32 – HiGrow
- ESP32 – TTGO Journal
- ESP32 – CAM
- ESP32 – NodeMCU
- Sensors
- BME280
- BMP280
- BMP680
- AHT10
- DS18B20
- DHT22 (AM3201)
- DHT11
- MAX44009
- HC-SR501 PIR
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic
- Synology DS916+
- Docker
- Node-Red
- OpenHab
- Mosquitto
- Grafana
- Portainer
- Telegraf
- Docker