Tasmota 2022.01.1 with AHT10

Today i´ve reactivated my VS Code + PlatformIO setup to create new binary of Tasmota with the actual releas 2022.01.1 for my AHT10 Sensors and the MAX44009 Lux Sensors i use in some devices.

I started first by updating all regular devices with normal and sensors firmware and while only 4 devices was left i decide to give them also an all new version.

So pulled the new version from github, update the platformIO plugins, chang the 3 lines of code i also showed in a previous post and run the build.

And here it is the all new Tasmota 2022.01.1 binary with AHT10 and MAX44009 included.
Already tested on some Wemos D1 Mini.

Build with framework-arduinoespressif8266@2.7.4+9



Hope you enjoy it and don´t forget to visit original Tasmota site and donate to https://github.com/arendst

Updated due to new version 2022.01.1 which is used now.
