Gipfel Logbuch

Eigentlich für mich selbst aber vieleicht findet jemande eine Inspiration darin;

Heuberg / Wasserwand (1338m)13.04.2017
Soinwand (1756m)10.07.2021
Hirschberg (1668m)2017/18?
Wildalpjoch (1720m)10.07.2021
Seewandköpfl (1664m)10.07.2021
Kesselwand (1721m)10.07.2021
Roßstein / Buchstein10.07.2018
Wendelstein (1838m)31.05.2021
Breitenstein (1622m)
+ Fensterl
Rohnberg /Schliersberg30.12.2016
Wallberg (1722m)todo
Hochries (1569m)03.05.2021
Kirchspitze (2312m /AT)29.08.2017
Isskogel (2263m /AT)21.08.2017
Kreuzjoch (2558m /AT)24.08.2017
Höllental Anger Hütte02.10.2021
(von Eibsee über Riffelscharte)

Bärenkopf (1991m / AT)todo
Hinterunnütz / Hochunnütz / Vorderunnütz
(2007m /2075m / 2078m)
Dalfazer Joch (2233m)todo
Seekarspitze (2053m)todo
Ehrenbachhöhe (1802m)06.09.2010
Hahnenkamm (1712m)07.09.2008
Walmendinger Horn (1996m)09.09.2011
Söllereck (1706m)10.09.2011
Hoher-Ifen (2230m)3.10.2012
Nebelhorn (2224m)11.10.2011
Lamsenjoch Hütte (über Faule Eng)12.09.2022

Tasmota 2022.01.1 with AHT10

Today i´ve reactivated my VS Code + PlatformIO setup to create new binary of Tasmota with the actual releas 2022.01.1 for my AHT10 Sensors and the MAX44009 Lux Sensors i use in some devices.

I started first by updating all regular devices with normal and sensors firmware and while only 4 devices was left i decide to give them also an all new version.

So pulled the new version from github, update the platformIO plugins, chang the 3 lines of code i also showed in a previous post and run the build.

And here it is the all new Tasmota 2022.01.1 binary with AHT10 and MAX44009 included.
Already tested on some Wemos D1 Mini.

Build with framework-arduinoespressif8266@2.7.4+9

Hope you enjoy it and don´t forget to visit original Tasmota site and donate to

Updated due to new version 2022.01.1 which is used now.


MQTT Stats via Node-Red to InfluxDB&Grafana

Today i want to share my way how i monitor my Mosquitto MQTT Broker.

Using the $SYS Stats from Mosquitto to visualize MQTT Stats in Grafana.
Used Tools:
– Mosquitto

The change function:

First we have to create a subscription to the $SYS Topic to get all the statistics of the Server

What topic is for what:

Than i change some strings to make it easier to use them in the following function. (Remove the $SYS/broker/ prefix of the topic and remove slashes also remove the suffic seconds to be able to process the uptime directly)
With the function i create a new object wich fits directly for my influxdb.

The Output of this function i forward direct in a influxdb object:

For that i created a database statistics in the influx and there i put the measurements in mqttstats

This results in a new measurement table in influx:

1612301513903060473 publishmessagesreceived 3673357
1612301513903536179 messagesreceived 4021280
1612301513903986660 bytessent 737942819
1612301513904438741 bytesreceived 855373047
1612301513904867547 publishmessagessent 3702965
1612301513905292203 publishbytessent 612137624
1612301513905668245 publishbytesreceived 744766929
1612301513906041838 loadbytessent5min 429681.23
1612301513906428743 messagessent 4043448
1612301524896645319 loadmessagesreceived1min 2117.19
1612301524897729721 loadpublishsent1min 3093.27
1612301524897729858 loadpublishreceived1min 2030.89
1612301524897807172 loadbytesreceived1min 487152.21
1612301524898050025 loadbytessent1min 613414.4
1612301524898066763 loadmessagessent1min 3176.61
1612301524898383254 loadsockets1min 1.9
1612301524918005693 loadconnections1min 1.9
1612301524918417461 loadpublishsent5min 2185.47
1612301524918807241 loadpublishreceived5min 1542.26
1612301524919121232 loadmessagessent5min 2373.57
1612301524919451424 loadmessagesreceived5min 1733.53
1612301524919749216 storemessagesbytes 6020
1612301524920027032 storemessagescount 88
1612301524920159846 messagesstored 88
1612301524920458488 loadconnections15min 1.13
1612301524920612252 loadsockets15min 1.13
1612301524920903319 loadbytessent15min 269440.39
1612301524921056546 loadbytesreceived15min 233154.23
1612301524921124734 loadpublishreceived15min 1003.03
1612301524921171072 loadpublishsent15min 1341.78
1612301524921282899 loadmessagessent15min 1551.73
1612301524921623641 loadmessagesreceived15min 1215.22
1612301524921654391 loadsockets5min 1.9

The Result in my Grafana Dashboard:

If you´ve questions or want to comment on one of my project please contact me on twitter:

Energymeter with Gosund-SP111 and node-red2influx

node-red flow

Starting with the flow…


I assume that you´ve already installed node-red and connected it with your influxdb.
You should also have installed tasmota on your device. I´ve a Tuya device flashed with a actual Tasmota version by tuya-convert

I´ve used a Gosund SP111 for this, but you can basicaly use it with every device giving you SENSOR data. So it doesn´t matter whether you want to monitor temperature, gas, energy or other. You´ve just adapt where i used the $..ENERGY by chosing what ever your sensor provides. Other examples i use are „$..Illuminance“, „$..Pressure“, „$..Pressure“ and „$..Temperature“

Used elements:

  • MQTT in

With the MQTT in i subscribe to tele/+/SENSOR which is the default topic of tasmota for sensor values, here i make no selection what sensor values i will use so it gets every sensor type you have in your mqtt network

Here i use the JSONPath expression „$..ENERGY“ to filter only on JSON messages which includes ENERGY as a element.

  • Switch

I use the switch element to identifiy whether the supplyed element from JSONPath is empty or not.

  • Function

The function is where i add the source name within the JSON String to have that information afterwards available also in the influx measurements.

  • InfluxDB

After all i write the whole string in the influxDB in my statisitcs database in a measuremnt called „energy1“

  • DebugMsg

The DebugMsg element is to controll the output of the chain. In my environemnt this is a typical output:


As you see there is the NAME added at the end of the object.


„id“: „3a60f610.f66632“,
„type“: „jsonpath“,
„z“: „2c0c97dc.300d7“,
„expression“: „$..ENERGY“,
„split“: false,
„name“: „“,
„x“: 630,
„y“: 2080,
„wires“: [
„id“: „d5a418c2.d9bda8“,
„type“: „switch“,
„z“: „2c0c97dc.300d7“,
„name“: „“,
„property“: „payload“,
„propertyType“: „msg“,
„rules“: [
„t“: „nempty“
„t“: „cont“,
„v“: „topic“,
„vt“: „msg“
„t“: „else“
„checkall“: „true“,
„repair“: false,
„outputs“: 3,
„x“: 790,
„y“: 2080,
„wires“: [
„id“: „e78d6b7c.6767c“,
„type“: „function“,
„z“: „2c0c97dc.300d7“,
„name“: „add name“,
„func“: „msg.payload[0].emname = msg.topic.split(\“/\“)[1];\nmsg.payload[0].Name = msg.topic.split(\“/\“)[1];\n\nreturn msg;“,
„outputs“: 1,
„noerr“: 0,
„x“: 940,
„y“: 2080,
„wires“: [
„id“: „76d65968.6c1568“,
„type“: „influxdb out“,
„z“: „2c0c97dc.300d7“,
„influxdb“: „306f62ed.836df6“,
„name“: „Statistics“,
„measurement“: „energy1“,
„precision“: „“,
„retentionPolicy“: „“,
„x“: 1140,
„y“: 2080,
„wires“: []
„id“: „a78d055d.d1ea3“,
„type“: „debug“,
„z“: „2c0c97dc.300d7“,
„name“: „energy.raw“,
„active“: false,
„tosidebar“: true,
„console“: false,
„tostatus“: false,
„complete“: „true“,
„targetType“: „full“,
„x“: 1150,
„y“: 2040,
„wires“: []
„id“: „306f62ed.836df6“,
„type“: „influxdb“,
„z“: „“,
„hostname“: „influxdb“,
„port“: „8086“,
„protocol“: „http“,
„database“: „statistics“,
„name“: „“,
„usetls“: false,
„tls“: „“

WEMOS D1 Mini on Tasmota with AHT10 Sensor

Actual there are plenty of tutorials for thousands of sensors in IoT environment.
Due to the fact i´ve never found one for the AHT10 Sensor with Tasmota, i wrote one to share my experience with you.

Hardware preparation:

Connect AHT10 Sensor with the Wemos D1

Sensor – Wemos [color]
VIN – 3.3 V
SCL – D1 (GPIO5)
SDA – D2 (GPIO4)

I will directly jump to the specific task to activate the AHT10 Sensor in Tasmota.

I expect you have already installed and configured Arduino IDE oder platformIO

download Tasmota:

Extract the ZIP file and open tasmota.ino in Arduino or platformIO  

Next is valid for acutal Tasmota 8.2.0.x
[Optional] Edit config:  my_user_config.h to have your wifi environment and mqtt setting directly set in the binary. If you don´t want to configure it here you can do it with a laptop or mobiel via the integrated wifi manager after booting the esp8266 the first time.

– set wifi settings
– set mqtt settings

Uncomment my_user_config.h line 496 to activate the AHT10 Sensor

The comment says only adress 0x38 but basicaly it supports 0x38 and 0x39 but for now only one sensor at a time.

Comment the following lines in the my_user_config.h out to prevent device drivers with the same ID 0x38 being active the same time.  

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Bildschirmfoto-2020-05-01-um-22.45.08-1024x15.png
Line 455
Line 487

Now you can compile and transfer tasmota to your esp8266

Connect to Tasmota Page of device with http by typing the IP in your Browser:
– choose: Configuration
– than choose: Configure Module
Module Type -> Generic
– Select SDA and SCL IO from the list
– D2 GPIO4 –> I2C SDA (6) 
– D1 GPIO5 –> I2C SCL (5)

Now if you reboot your Wemos you should see actual measurements.

If your settings are correct you should also get the measurements on mqtt if activated.
So you can use your newly installed AHT10 sensor in your smart home environment.


As described in my post before i will start with a short description of the WEMOS D1 MINI, one of my first ESP8266 boards.

Basically i user the mini as test board and in varius combinations as sensor base in my home automation setup.

Basic features:

  • integrated usb-serial connector
  • integrated voltage regulator
  • powered by usb 5V or direct via pin 5V & 3.3V
  • reset button (pin RST)
  • onboard led (pin D4)
  • integrated 4MB memory

Most of my wemos i use with DHT22 or BME260 sensors and tasmota:

Some i also use with one or two DS18B20 temperature sensors.

In all use cases i connect via mqtt and use node-red to push the mqtt values to an influxDB.

The mini has the advantage that it´s compact/small but have more exposed GPIOs like the ESP-01 for example. It´s also possible to make small setups with a connected D0 -> RST for deep sleep scenarios with very low effort while you have to soldering very small structures on the ESP-01.

Powering the mini with a 18560 battery and a deep sleep cycle of about 3600sec allows operation for several weeks or month without a fixed power source.






One of the best pinout descriptions and detail sites i know for the esp8266:

ESP8266 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use?


Save Google API via Node-Red in influxDB & visualize with grafana

I was inspired by a video from Csongor Varga for a new project idea with my Node-Red. Basically he uses Node-Red for requesting the Google API and getting the travel time form home to work. My idea was then to request the data from the Google API and save them in my InfluxDB for further analytics.

I start with a Big Timer to limit the requests to a timeslot from 4:30am to 10:30am. Then i use the Switch and Join elements to limit the request to any tenth trigger. After that there is the http get with the Google API call.

For the following three change elements which extracts the values i want to save i use a json element for transforming the output of the http call.

The last join than aggregates the values to a new json which is than forwarded to the influxdb in a database called statistics.

The output than looks like this in the influxDB

> select * from travel_allach ORDER BY time DESC limit 1;
name: travel_allach
time distance duration duration_in_traffic value
---- -------- -------- ------------------- -----
1570212851482806984 60696 3331 3143

This is the output of the Grafana Visualization:



ESP Overview

Actual it´s nearly impossible to count all the variations of the actual ESP8266 and ESP32 developer boards availaible at amazon, bangoods and ali express. Neverthe less i´ll try to document some of the boards i actual use and what they´re good for in some of the next posts.  Over the time i´ve collected many of the „standard“ representatives and also some of the more unusual types. They all have in common that they´re available for hobby developer and electronics nerds.

The power supply for most of them needs  3.3V or 5V depends on if there are voltage converters included or not. The main use cases most people see in this little boards are building cheap little IoT devices on their own.

The start of my short introduction round will be the:


which was the first ESP8266 i´ve started with.

Over the time I collected several other devices, like the Sonoff Basic, Sonoff Mini, NodeMCU ESP8266, ESP01, ESP32, OBI WIFI plugs, LILYGO TTGO T-Journal ESP32, Geekcreit® ESP32-CAM WiFi + bluetooth Camera Module, HiGrow ESP32 and some others i will also try to describe and how or for what i´m using this.

Home network

Actual i´ll have to do an inventory of my home network. Here is a short overview of how i´ve done it till now. Due to a relocation next year i´ve to rebuild most of the network and reorganize the network structure. There for i want to establish ne zones. Today there are 3 Zones in my network:

  1. Living
  2. Basement
  3. Garage

Every zone is connected via Powerline Modules. I´ve started with Powerline in 2010 with Belkin 1000 Gigabit Kit. After some years 2 off 4 modules where defect so i switched completly to TP-LINK TL-PA8030P KIT.

The network bandwith fluctuates but i get about 600Mbit to the basement form the first floor. and about 200MBit to the garage. Thats more than enough for a HD Video stream and controlling the garage door from a Raspberry Pi.

Core of my Network is a Fritz!Box 7590 + FRITZ!WLAN Repeater 1750E and a Synology DS-916+ with 8GB RAM an 16 GB Harddrives. For the basement i use a Fritz!Box 7360SL as WiFi AP and a BlackBox SmartSwitch for all connected devices. In the garage i use a Fritz!Box 7170 for Wifi and a Raspberry PI B 2.0 for the garage door opbener and a magnetic switch sensor to get the information about the door state. I will document the garage setting in a future post when i´ll set it up on the new location.